Do you often wonder which direction you are headed in this life? If you are to follow the path of least resistance or if you are to follow the path of your heart even though it may be more difficult?

Only you know what is in your heart. God has put a direction in it, and you have the obligation of finding out what that is and following His lead. Remember, Jeremiah 29:11 states that He knows the plans for you, for good and not for evil.

God may lead you in a path that is different than anyone else that you know of – – and in doing so, He will bring you into a ministry that your friends have no part. He shall enrich you with new friends to add to the previous ones. Therefore, you receive double the blessings of the old and the new coming together.

Recently, I left a company that I was with for almost seven years to move closer to my family in Central Texas. In this process, I met many wonderful people who became prayer warriors for stressful events going on in my life at that time. Opportunity after opportunity presented itself for the one I loved who choose to go his way instead of following the path God called him to. When that season of difficulty concluded, I still had my friends, and I prayed for them as they did for me. 

I felt led to move again, which resulted in the furthest distance I have ever been from my family in Texas. In each place, I have met and made beautiful friendships. I am blessed to be able to lead others to Christ and also to watch them grow. I have experienced the presence of the Lord during prayer time with my friends and have given and received support, encouragement, and love. I have taught as well as been taught the Word of God. I have experienced warm friendships in a world that is cold, connecting with them in thought, in heart, and spirit. 

Keep in mind: God goes before you. God is on your side. God leads you. God directs you. God goes before you. God loves you.

Jesus takes pleasure in the person who takes the time to be intimate with Him. Once we choose intimacy with Him, loneliness leaves while compassion and friendship abide close. I hope you find that intimacy will change your life from the inside out, as it has mine.

(From: My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers)

The Christian who is truly intimate with Jesus will never draw attention to himself but will only show the evidence of a life where Jesus is completely in control. This is the outcome of allowing Jesus to satisfy every area of life to its depths. The picture resulting from such a life is that of a strong, calm balance that our Lord gives to those who are intimate with Him.

Only you know what is in your heart from Him. So it is at this time, I encourage you not to be overwhelmed with fear or doubts. I encourage you not to let others dissuade you from what you know is right in your heart. I encourage you to grow close to Him through prayer, through the study of His Word, and through being still. As He displays His will for your life, take courage, and step out in the direction He wants you to go. 

Isaiah 30:21 If you go the wrong way – either to the right or to the left – you will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the right way. You should go this way.”

In everything we do, we should be imitators of Christ and keep the goal of sharing the gospel with those we come in contact.

Mark 16:15 And He said unto them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”



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