Life is changing. Again.

In life labels appear; here are some of mine:

daughter, sister, friend, runner, basketball player, college girl, wife,
ex-wife, single mother, empty nester, business leader, job hunter, in
demand, single, girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, teacher, Christian, giver, author.

And on goes the defining:

coping, changing, learning, growing, openness, closedness,
introvert, extrovert, carefulness, abandonment, laughter, pain,
acceptance, forgiveness, beginnings, endings, life, death.

How do you define yourself as you face day-to-day growth in life? Are you eager to meet the different facets that present itself to you, or do you shy away fearing failure or success? Are you both positive and negative? Do you love to hate or hate to love? Do you begin again or not choose again?

These words may not make sense to you, but they make sense to me. I am searching and know there must be others who are searching too- searching for what only be answered by you.

Some seek power, fame, fortune, happiness,
simplicity, internal and external rewards, material things,
riches, or social status.

Where is your quest leading you? And who are you impacting? Don’t you know, it is not what you have at the end of your life that makes you successful such as:
the houses
the cars
the vacations
the things.

No, it is the quality of life that will make you successful or not in others’ hearts and their eyes. Qualities such as:

The legacy left living on in others will be the one you implant each day. The average, trivial, and mundane tasks you think has no impact but will be remembered by those left behind.

and you shall find
without seeking
you shall never find
the heart
the meaning
the purpose
so seek
so you shall see and find.

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