by K-Trina Meador | Apr 24, 2018 | In the Midst Blog
Taking a chance she reaches for him She tells herself he’s worth the risk all the while hoping this time love will win and hanging onto the memory of their only kiss Because he didn’t know he was the hope she’d stopped hoping for Because he...
by K-Trina Meador | Apr 21, 2018 | In the Midst Blog
After spending most of the day either writing or braving the cold weather and Oklahoma wind, I decided to go out for dinner. The greeter led me to a table where I observed the other diners. A family with two boys greedily scarfed down crab legs, biscuits and more...
by K-Trina Meador | Apr 4, 2018 | In the Midst Blog
A new love sprung forth as a fresh spring An old love spend days cuddled to each other in winter And in between comes summers and falls Be still their thumping hearts, in death they’re still...